Thursday, August 21, 2008

Cloth Pantyliners are ready--WIN a FREE SET!

I used to make these, but had to discontinue them for a while when I was without a serger...but I have my serger again now, and have been working to restock these popular pantyliners.

These have soft absorbent flannel on top, and slip-resistant, leak-resistant fleece on the back. Cloth pantyliners are a great option for daily use, as both flannel and fleece hold up to frequent washing. Popular uses include: mild incontinence (such as during pregnancy), protection when using vaginal suppositories, mid-cycle or post-sex moisture, and, of course, the end of ones period.

These are now available at LilBees! Click the shop link on the right sidebar, or "cloth menstrual products" on the left sidebar.

Now for the exciting part!

Leave a comment on this post to be entered into a random drawing for a FREE 3 pack of pantyliners! (not necesssarily the ones shown--I will have several options for the winner to chose from). The contest is open until midnight on August 31. I'll be drawing a winner on September 1 and will post the winner here, so be sure to check back in! (If you want to leave your email or your etsy username, I will also contact you that way!)

thanks to those who participated, this contest is now closed.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Caring for Cloth Menstrual Pads

Several commenters asked about some more specifics on caring for cloth pads...
First of all, if you happen to use cloth diapers, you can throw the pads in with them and wash them in the same ways. Simple!

For those who don't have a cloth diapered heiny in the house, I'll run through the basics of cloth menstrual pad care. There are several basic parts (numbered), and several extra, optional steps (in italics) feel free to use these recommendations as you prefer.
1--after use, I rinse the pad out in the sink with hot or warm water, then place soiled pads in cold water in a container with a lid. Most women keep a small tupperware or ceramic pot under the sink or on the back of the toilet. So long as it has a lid, it will not smell. (Some ladies like to put tea tree oil, lavender essential oil, hydrogen peroxide, oxy clean, vinegar, or a little soap in with the water.) If you are out and about, just put the pad in a waterproof bag or pouch, and put it in the water when you get home.
2--refresh water once a day to prevent odor.
3--wash on hot (some ladies swear it has to be cold to prevent staining, but I have never had problems), rinse at any temperature, dry in drier (or hang dry). Do not use any type of fabric softener.
4--if, somehow, something did get stained, let it soak in hydrogen peroxide or oxy-clean for a few hours. It'll come out (at least, it always has for me!)

Pretty simple, huh?

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